
Sports Massage Therapy

Although similar to deep tissue massage therapy, sports massage therapy involves the manipulation of soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia of those who regularly exercise. A sports massage is designed to correct problems that arise from repetitive and strenuous physical activity and is of great benefit to athletes before and after your workout. It can aid in the recovery and prevention of injury and may even enhance performance.

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

30 minutes – $60 | 45 minutes – $80 | 1 hour – $100

30 minutes

$ 60

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

45 minutes

$ 80

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

60 minutes

$ 100

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.