If you’re new to massage therapy, chances are you’ve got some questions. Here are some of the most commonly asked queries about massage therapy. Need more? Contact the Sun Wellness. They’d be more than happy to help.

Any time really, if you’re in pain or feeling stress or soreness, massage therapy can provide relief. However, massage also works great as a preventive measure. Getting a massage on a regular basis can help prevent the pain and discomfort of everyday life stresses.

If your pain or soreness is a result of an injury or everyday stress, it would be best to get a treatment every few days, or at least once a week in the beginning, so that each treatment will build on the previous one.

You don’t need a referral to get Massage Therapy, unless your insurance company requires it for your benefit plan.

You don’t need an appointment to get a massage as we accept walk ins, but to ensure you do get your massage on the day and time you want, it is best to make an appointment, preferably a few days in advance.

If you are coming to us for the first time, it is best to arrive at least 15 minutes in advance to fill out some forms. If you are a repeat client, a few minutes before your treatment is sufficient.

Yes we do. We accept insurance provided by most of the common health benefit insurers. We also have direct billing so that you don’t have to be out of pocket any money to get your massage.

Yes. Both of our locations are situated in plazas with plenty of free parking available.

Yes. Our Toronto location is right on the Bloor/Danforth subway line at Victoria Park station.