Scalp Massage Therapy

Scalp Massage Therapy

Scalp massage therapy involves the manipulation of the muscles of the head. Warm oil is massaged throughout the scalp to relax tight muscles in the scalp and temple regions. A scalp massage can be very effective in reducing stress, reducing headaches and migraines and boosting blood flow, which in some cases, can strengthen hair follicles which could result in faster hair growth and the slowing of hair loss.

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

30 minutes – $60 | 45 minutes – $80 | 1 hour – $100

30 minutes

$ 60

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

45 minutes

$ 80

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

60 minutes


* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.