Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot stone massage therapy involves the placement of stones that are heated, flat and smooth on key parts of the body. The stones are applied with or without pressure and penetrate the deepest layers of muscle to promote a variety of health benefits including increased joint mobility and flexibility, relief from chronic muscle and joint pain and improved circulation.

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

30 minutes – $60 | 45 minutes – $80 | 1 hour – $100

30 minutes

$ 60

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

45 minutes

$ 80

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

60 minutes

$ 100

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.