Chiropractor Treatments

Chiropractic Massage Therapy

Chiropractic treatment is a form of rehabilitative therapy that treats the musculoskeletal system made up of your bones, cartilage, joints, muscles and tendons. When an injury, illness or deformity affects any part of this system, a chiropractor can manipulate your body with their hands to provide safe and targeted adjustments and realignments to your spine and joints and deep tissue work that targets muscles and tendons. The benefits of chiropractic treatment are numerous including but not limited to relief from chronic pain, improvement in joint mobility and blood circulation, loosening of tight muscles, strengthening of muscles and the body’s nerve and immune systems and provides relief from arthritis.

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

30 minutes – $60 | 45 minutes – $80 | 1 hour – $100