

Acupuncture therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions including chronic pain, digestive and sleep disorders, stress, infertility, addiction, Sciatica, numbness or swelling, chronic fatigue, back pain, headaches and migraines and Bell’s Palsy. It involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body and provides discomfort relief, relaxation and overall improved health. Acupuncture therapy can focus on a specific body part or body region including your face.

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

30 minutes – $60 | 45 minutes – $80 | 1 hour – $100

30 minutes

$ 60

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

45 minutes

$ 80

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.

60 minutes

$ 100

* A 30 minute massage provides a targeted approach to a treatment area of your choice.